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Old 03-25-2023, 11:31 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by deemce1 View Post
I should note that if I blip the gas pedal it does not like that and dies quicker. Almost like when you try to give a motor gas with the choke on full (snow blower reference).
This is a long shot but you could try disconnecting your MAF sensor.
Lets see if forcing the ECU to a default fueling strategy changes anything.
If nothing changes then reconnect your MAF sensor and test your fuel pressure.

Problem is I don't have specs. for fuel pressure for your year of car.
It may have to be tested for fuel pressure at a shop.
Or perhaps a member like JFP in PA will jump in and have some better info for you.

So with all that ....
it does sound like you have a fuel delivery issue....faulty fuel regulator..faulty pump
clogged fuel filter... something that is causing low fuel pressure and or volume..
All those things are inside the fuel tank on your year of best tested by a fuel pressure test.
or you possibly have gummed up fuel injectors.
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