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Old 03-06-2023, 11:10 AM   #81
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Originally Posted by Radman View Post
Thanks again for the feedback.

I'll throw the old ones(Which are Bosch) back on and see what happens. If the codes stay I'll order one new one to move around and see if the codes go away. Don't want to spend the $ for all 4 in the hopes it makes the car run better. But, if this is a dumb idea, please let me know lol!

Screw it, just ordered 2 new Bosch units. Will report back.
Your codes are showing that three of the four sensors are having issues.
I would replace all four with Bosch.
Then You have a solid foundation to work from.
An O2sensor and its wiring can be tested with a simple Digital Multi Meter.
Or the signal can be viewed with your Durametric.
If you switch the senor around looking to see if the code follows you have to move
two sensors then take the car for a drive sometimes multiple drives before the code shows up.
Senseless... when you can test them with a multi meter or Durametric in just a few minutes.
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