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Old 03-04-2023, 05:00 PM   #2
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You can answer some of your questions easily—you just need to go out and look at some (while, of course, sitting in them as well). Used Boxster aren't all that hard to find.

I'm close to 6'1" (also around 200 lb) and am amazed at how much leg room I've got. I don't even have the driver's seat all the way back. My head doesn't touch the headliner, but you're taller so I can't say in your case. And, I too have some mild to moderate lower back issues. I use a small pillow on my seat for lumbar support and that seems to suffice for me. My Box is an '01; some of the more recent models may have lumbar support built in, I just don't know. Someone else can chime in on that.

I don't know if you're leaning towards a manual or an 'automatic' (what they call Tiptronic in these cars). With a 'gimpy' left leg, you may want to go with the Tip. But if you love manuals, you should definitely drive one of them and see how it feels. Only you can answer that question.
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