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Old 12-19-2022, 02:38 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by elgyqc View Post
I have disassembled the pre-broken engine out of the 2000 S that I bought recently. I have bought a used engine to go back into the car.

Because of the copper shavings in the oil pan I was expecting problems with the big end and main bearings.
What I found was the big end on the #2 rod had spun and scored that crank journal. The bearing shell of the main bearing next to it was also destroyed, but it did not spin and the crank and bearing carrier appeared OK except for that one big end journal.

The rest of the engine looks good for 169259 KM (105172 mi). All pistons and the 5 other rods are OK.

Originally I had planned sell the engine as-is or part it out, but when I saw how limited the damage I started thinking about rebuilding it… as cheaply as possible. I don’t have the money for a “change everything while you are in there” rebuild.

The crank and bearing carrier where inspected by a local specialist and they pronounced the bearing carrier undamaged and they can repair the crank for about $400.

But I also found there is scuffing in the cylinders. I say scuffing because the marks do not appear to be scoring, from what I understand from multiple discussions and videos.

Representative photos of the cylinders.

I can't feel the marks with my finger and I feel nothing with my fingernail except maybe one scratch per cylinder I feel a little bump.

So the question is what to do about the cylinders. I definitely can't afford sleeving and new pistons. If there is a way to clean up the cylinders and put the old pistons back in with new rings, that would be doable.

So… the options as I see them.
1) part it out.
2) put it back together with new bearings and rings and hope the scuffed cylinders will last…
3) find a way to clean up the cylinders and put it back together with new bearings and rings and hope the cleaned up cylinders will last…

Any suggestions are welcome.
First the cylinders need to be measured "properly" for taper and roundness.
If they measure "Within Spec." then do a standard honing procedure on the cylinders.
That scuffing could very well clean up with just a standard honing job.
Your out very little money to do the above.

If the cylinders measure "Out of Spec." Then they would need sleeved.

Last edited by blue62; 12-19-2022 at 03:24 PM.
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