Originally Posted by Homeoboxter
If the engine was running fine and wasn`t burning too much oil I wouldn`t split the crankcase. If you split it probably you`ll find a couple of things out of spec and you`ll want to replace everything just because you got this far. That will be a huge undertaking and a lot of money if you want to do it properly. Why not do this when the engine is really worn out?
Originally Posted by 986tate
No, I wouldn’t split it either. Unless you have crazy leak down numbers and a lot more than $1200
Originally Posted by Coaster
I've not split a case so take this with a grain of salt.
I'm considering tearing mine down and rebuilding but as I understand it - re-ringing isn't really an option as these cylinders tend to become oval over time. If you have the ~$6k you can replace the cylinders and pistons with LN Nickies and JE pistons. But then what else needs to be done....
Thanks for the info and advice. I definitely would rather not split it and it was running fantastically with no obvious problems other than the oil leak but my main concerns at this point are the timing chains and pads, rod bearings and rod bolts. It would be nice to refresh all those parts or possibly upgrade them but there goes $1k just in parts for all that! And even after that, I'd still have all the bore issues and piston skirt wear plus rings and other things I'm forgetting right now.
Anyway, thanks for the advice....