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Old 09-22-2022, 08:39 AM   #8
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Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: texas
Posts: 156

Thanks for the testing offer. I will wait your results. Meanwhile can I get your thoughts on another challenge?

The cluster is acting fairly normal with key on. Most everything seems to work, even the tach zeroes. However, all of the signal (idiot) lights turn on as expected but then stay on. The cluster seems to be waiting a signal to proceed. I have looked at an engine run signal and can't find one so it is still a mystery to me why the cluster won't go one more step and extinguish the idiot lights. Worst case it could be another CAN issue. My ME7 is still active and maybe It needs to see something to send a CAN signal. Any thoughts are appreciated. Two heads are better than one. Thanks
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