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Old 09-02-2022, 08:07 PM   #13
husker boxster
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Got the tires on last night, went out for a ride this morning.

In order to license a car purchased from out of state, you have to take it to an "inspection" site where they basically run a vin check to see if it's stolen. The site is 6 mi from my house. Drove the shark there after lunch. Get my "inspection sheet", go to my ins agent for ins, then to the DMV. While the lady at DMV is rifling thru all the papers, I ask if she has any plates with 928. She says the only ones she has are 500s. Dang, how do all my friends get their 911 plates? Lady finds an extra letter in the vin on the insp sheet. She won't overlook it even tho it's their fault not mine and she won't call the insp site. I have to go back down there myself. Crap.

I go home and swap the shark for Punkin. Wow what a difference in driving exp - the shark has a dog leg 5 spd, meaning 1st gear is lower left and the clutch releases high. But Punkin got me down to the insp site quickly and I had a new sheet w/ 1 less digit. Take it back to the DMV and get a diff lady. She gets my paperwork and starts rifling thru it. Gets to the pt where she compares the vin on the insp sheet and the title. Not correct - the insp sheet had the letter O instead of the number 0. Double dang! She feels sorry for me so she calls the insp site and has them fax a new, corrected sheet. Hmmm. But I keep my cool and the fax arrives quickly. When the 1st lady finds out I had a 2nd problem, she disappears and then comes back with these plates.

So I wasted some time and gas this afternoon but scored a good plate.
GPRPCA Chief Driving Instructor
2008 Boxster S Limited Edition #005
2008 Cayman S Sport - Signal Green
1989 928 S4 5 spd - black

Last edited by husker boxster; 09-02-2022 at 08:09 PM.
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