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Old 06-23-2022, 01:18 PM   #6
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Join Date: Jun 2022
Location: Sunny Silicon Valley, California
Posts: 79
The video I found on youtube really helps. I don't anticipate any issues doing the trans service (as long as no bolts snap) I have already sprayed the bolts with a good penetrating oil.
I jacked the car up today level after getting it up to temp, did a drain and fill, but only 2 1/2 liters came out, so I only changed 2.5 liters. I'll drive it a bit, and do this again a few more times it looks like. I expect my filter and gaskets to arrive in a week or so. Maybe I can get closer to 4 liters out when I remove the pan...

The car originally was .5 liters low and the trans slipped a bit. Now filled up it is behaving much better. Smooth 1-2-3 shifts. 3-4-5 there is still a tiny rise in RPM between shifts, but much better than before. Changing just the 2.5 liters, shifts feel a bit better too, not worse, so that gives me hope when I change more fluid it won't slip, but I'll only know after I've done the service.
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