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Old 05-15-2022, 08:49 PM   #114
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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I picked it up on Friday May 13th. On the way to Bastrop I came upon a roadblock. At first I thought it was construction. When I stopped, the police approached and looked in back of the Touareg as they told me that there was a murderer on the loose in the area. Highway 7 was closed and I should not pick up any hitchhikers. If I saw a middle age balding Hispanic man by the road, call 911. I later found this news: I continued to Bastrop and did not pick up any hitchhikers.

I arrived at Woody's place a little before 11:00. He was out in the shop and had the car ready to go except for needing the two wheels that I had brought put on. He gave me a tour of his place, offering me pretty much any Boxster parts I wanted. I would have taken everything he offered, except I already have limited space and too many projects. We tried loading a third engine on my trailer, but decided that it was too much for a safe 8 hour drive.

The drive home was pretty smooth and uneventful. Other than gas and food, I just had to make one early stop to change how I tied the trunk lid down. It turns out that having a big wing on the trunk going backwards make a lot of *Up* Force.

It's at it's new home now among some siblings and I'm excited about getting to work on it. It may get the 2.7L engine that Woody included, or I may swap in another engine that I've had in the garage for a few years. There's a disassembled car in the garage right now that I hope to have together and out of there by the end of next week. For now I can look it over and make some plans. What I really need is a 10 car garage.
I am not an attorney, mechanic, or member of the clergy. Following any advice given in my posts is done at your own peril.
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