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Old 05-15-2022, 08:30 PM   #113
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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That same race day that Woody blew the engine in the Frog, I finished off what was left of the 2.5L 1997 engine that I had put in a stripped out '01 Tiptronic Base.

Since then I've used a beat up, worn out '04 Base to Rallycross with. Rather than being prepared to race in any way, it is simply in bad enough shape that I can happily flog it with no worries for the outcome.

Recently Woody called and asked me if I was interested in the Frog. It had been sitting for over six months and he just didn't have the motivation to fix it. Rallycrossing it had been fun, but he was tired of always winning and was moving on to other things.

I have too little time and too many projects at the moment, but "always winning" is not a problem I have. I told him, "Yes! I'll take your car ...(Pending the approval of Mrs 78F350)."
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