Thread: It's BS! :(
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Old 05-14-2022, 03:04 AM   #71
husker boxster
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Originally Posted by ike84 View Post
Oh come on, that's only about 17hrs of driving! Leave tomorrow morning and you'll be home in time for church

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If that was all I had on my agenda, I could knock it out in no time. But next wk's DE is also our Club Race and besides being a CDI and instructor, I'm also our club's registrar so I have a lot of paperwork, badges, and emails ahead of me. And I need to be at the track Thu afternoon and the track is 2.5 hrs away.

Plus I'm in the process of moving. I've got most of the stuff moved to my new house but still have a few rooms to go (thankfully the garage and basement are done). The cleaners come on Mon and the carpet cleaners on Tue. Then photo shoots by the realtor. Want to get my current house sold before the mkt collapses. I've lived there for 34 yrs - you accumulate a lot of crap in that time, so it takes a while to go thru everything and decide if you need to keep or toss it.

And it's not just an oil change after 1000 mi. I also need to change the trans fluid, which is a bit more involved. Since I didn't do it the last time I changed trans fluid, I plan to cut / drill a hole in the triangle plate so I won't need to take it off the next time I change fluid (I'll be changing trans fluid a lot more often, per the trans expert in AZ). That will add time to the project as I want to measure multiple times and drill once. The old "if you fail to plan..."

So having Syndey ready to go by Thu morning to make the DE is a pipe dream. But I've waited a yr, a few more wks isn't going to kill me. Just like cars for sale, there's always another DE around the corner. Gotta take the long view.
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Last edited by husker boxster; 05-14-2022 at 03:14 AM.
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