Thread: It's BS! :(
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Old 05-07-2022, 08:44 AM   #61
husker boxster
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Good info Ike and much appreciated. I understand what you're saying.

Here's the tail of the tape. I have an IPD plenum and GT3 throttle body already on the top end. I'm recently officially retired for 1 yr now although I've been semi-retired for 5 yrs before that. Cash flow is an issue since income is now more important than when I was employed. The initial est for this job was $23K but I'm fairly certain the final number will be somewhere around $26-27K. The "while you're in there's" will prob be around $2K of that total. Toss in the $8K trans that was only supposed to be $2500 (not part of the orig $23K est) and you see the project is WAY over budget as it currently sits. No room for an additional $5K for headers / cats, etc. Maybe down the road.

I'm not sure if the guys at SLM will want to take the time to do exhaust swaps and multiple runs to compare. They probably want their big check too since this has been an 11 mo adventure. And I know they're backed up with work since it took them 2 wks to get to my car after the engine arrived back in OMA. They said they're already short a mechanic and 1 was out sick for a period of time. Bottom line is they're probably just as happy to see Sydney out the door as I will be.
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