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Old 04-01-2022, 07:30 AM   #5
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Location: Lincolnshire, IL
Posts: 511
YEP....that's the reason why I always leave my radio "ON". When I shut down the engine and pull the key out, it takes another 5-6 seconds for the radio to shut off.....when it does, I know for sure the electrical system is really "OFF".

Every year I soak a few pipe cleaners with lock lubricant and feed it into the lock...move them around and when I pull them out they're usually pretty "dirty". As far as I know my tumbler and switch are original (24 years old) but still works and I'm trying to avoid the PITA replacement procedure as long as I can. Sometimes I hear the "clunk" sound of the steering wheel locking but most of the time there is no "clunk" but the wheel still locks 95% of the time...... I think I need to probably replace the switch (I have the part) but I'm just procrastinating because it's a PITA job..... and for now the rest of the ignition/key/tumbler works OK. Seems to work better the hotter the weather

Wish there was another Forum member living close by (Northshore burbs of Chicago) who's successfully replaced the switch and can "look over my shoulder and supervise" me. My luck I'll mess something up and the car won't start then have the car towed in somewhere to fix it.....yuck!
98' Boxster

Last edited by Rob175; 04-26-2022 at 07:28 AM.
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