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Old 11-04-2006, 10:03 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Strawfordt
Hi again,

Anyone know which Torx Security head I'll need for the MAF sensor removal?

I think'it's a T20H.

That would be the male of female driver required?

Yes, it's a T-20 anti-tamper. The Torque value is 2-3 Nm (2-3 Ft. Lbs.) so go easy when reinstalling it.

Try cleaning it, this works if the MAF is only dirty. They do fail though as well, so while you have it out, note the PN# on it in case you need to order one in the future. There were several variations, so you need to know the one your car has.

Also, should the car ever fail on the road, and you suspect the MAF, just disconnect the electrical connector to it. This will cause a CEL (if you don't already have one), but the DME will go into 'Open Loop' and select a default MAP. Performance and mileage will suffer, but it will get you home w/o damaging the engine or emissions gear, service it ASAP. Hope this helps...

Happy Motoring!... Jim'99
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