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Old 11-28-2021, 11:20 AM   #43
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Location: Stansted
Posts: 67
Originally Posted by PaulE View Post
Cool stuff! You inspired me to purchase a can of carburetor cleaner, my souvenir piston from the rebuild of my 3.2 is soaking in it over the weekend. I'll see if I can get it close to how clean you got yours! But it still has the rings on and the wrist pin in.
Awesome If you are going to have it for show, then some Autosol will bring everything up and stop the rings from rusting

I can honestly say that my ultrasonic bath and small media blaster (using soda or fine glass beads) are outstanding in bringing things back to a near new look. Yes, you need to take care to use the right chems/media and clean thoroughly after using media but there is so much info/videos on the net that it really is not rocket science.

I am considering upgrading my small media blasting cabinet and buying a full on vapour blasting cabinet
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