HooptieX was a lot of fun. Of course, this is now off topic from the off-topic topic since I did bring a Boxster, but I might as well finish it out. I finally met Woody in person and had dinner with him and two other Texas racers on Saturday night

. Woody's car had seized the engine before I arrived on Saturday after doing about 2-1/2 laps.
On Sunday morning my car ran pretty well. For me this was about playing with the car and learning more than trying to be competitive. On one lap, I had a good spin and just kept driving through it out of the thick dust cloud. When the dust cleared my rear bumper was still there. Someone was nice enough to bring it to me. My technique got better through the day and I ended up lowering my tire pressure to the low 20s on Woody's advice. Grip was much better.
I had lunch with Rick (Redtele58) then got three more afternoon runs of the track before my engine seized. I made it all the way to parking and as I started to let up on the throttle it stalled hard. I could not get it to crank at all after that.
I would not recommend doing this with your pristine 986, but I actually had more fun on the dirt than I did on a paved track at DEs. My car was rough and my engine was bad when I started the day, so no regrets. Here's an aerial view of part of the track. It was about 1-1/4 miles total. Some parts were getting very rough by the end of the day.
Now this car gets set aside for a while while I catch up a few other projects.