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Old 09-02-2021, 05:29 AM   #31
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I used this procedure to retime my 2000 2.7 engine after changing the chain tenser pads. When I reinstalled the cams I eye-balled the timing thinking that it was close enough. When the assembling was finished I found that the sprocket was not properly placed and I couldn't turn it enough. I found that it is possible to reposition the sprocket in the chain without taking it all apart again. Before starting I put a mark the sprocket and a mark on the chain that I wanted the sprocket to be aligned to. Make sure you are going to adjust it in the right direction!
1) Remove the chain adjuster (that's the name in the PET, it is often called the tensioner)
2) Remove the 4 bolts, pull the sprocket off the end of the cam and drop it towards the crankshaft to get enough slack on the chain
3) turn the sprocket to align your marks before replacing it in the chain and reinstalling it on the camshaft.
4) reinstall the 4 bolts and the chain adjuster

Here it is after the adjustment. I think my original problem was that the chain aduster was not installed when I eye-balled it during the assembly and installing the adjuster moveed the cams.

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