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Old 08-30-2021, 11:25 AM   #305
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Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 85
^, ha, I didn't have any MAJOR hiccups. Of course there were some. You may have seen last month I got the car aligned ahead of a track day and made it exactly one lap before something came loose and ended the day. This event was good by all measurements, but definitely had some things pop up. A bolt on my engine cradle came loose, somehow stayed in place and was able to re-tighten it, but need to figure out why that's happening. In the last session my fuel gauge and engine coolant temp stopped reading correclty, showed lower than true, so I came in a lap early to check. Scanned w Vag-Com, normal readings to the ECU and after cycling the key the cluster showed normal again as well. Tore up a fender liner, need to find some replacements for both fronts.

As far as next steps, definitely more seat time on track and get used to the different setup. Need to get new fender liners, work out a better coolant temp monitoring strategy (likely additional sensor and external gauge), swap in the oil pressure sensor Escy recommended. Have been getting some belt squeal on startup, going to throw in a fresh belt and see if that helps.

Always things to fix/improve. But a successful day is critical in keeping motivated to push forward so thankful to have gotten there
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