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Old 08-22-2021, 06:43 PM   #6386
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Join Date: Apr 2021
Location: Bay Area
Posts: 189
My son and I...
  • Replaced the entire ignition switch assembly
  • Replaced the directional cluster with a 4 stock version (3 stock had broken directional indicators)
  • Added the harness and enabled the OBC
  • Replaced the airbag bracket (as the bushing in the old one was causing the horn to beep when turning left)
  • Removed an old immobilizer (spliced into the clutch switch). It was partially removed and tucked behind the dash with exposed wires

I'm happy to say that everything is working and I believe replacing the ignition switch assembly fixed the issue where the car would honk the horn once when you locked it (indicating something was open still). My guess is that it wasn't happy with the radio connection as the radio would sometimes stop working and it looks like the ignition may have fixed that.
'98 Boxster 986
'87 911 Carrera Cabriolet
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