Thread: My Red '97
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Old 08-21-2021, 08:50 PM   #57
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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I sold Red a few months ago. A friend of mine bought it to be his daughter's first car. When I sold it I volunteered to fix the power steering when I had time, since I had all the parts of the system available and I didn't want them to have to pay a shop to do it.
In doing this, I broke two important rules: Never sell a car to someone you know. Never promise to do anything to a car after it is sold - as-is is AS-IS.

Coordinating a time that was good for both of us took a while. Finally I had a couple days off when the car was available and made arrangements. Shortly after arrangements were made, the radiators on my wife's Honda Element and my Toyota Sequoia both started leaking. The new radiators arrived the day I planned to work on Red, so I pushed it back a day and spent both of my days off working on car maintenance in my little garage which is like an oven on a Summer afternoon.

...anyway, here's my tips on replacing the PS pump in a 1997 Boxster:
I am not an attorney, mechanic, or member of the clergy. Following any advice given in my posts is done at your own peril.
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