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Old 08-15-2021, 08:08 AM   #294
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If you follow him on Instagram he has live videos where he answers questions.

My charge coolers are at the sides of the engine. I looked into having intercoolers by those side vents, not enough space and I'm not convinced they draw enough air.

I'm not planning on making any changes to the charge cooler system at this point. The only potential idea I have is to plumb in a heat exchanger that uses the A/C to cool the coolant. Tesla use one for their battery cooling. I've got one on the shelf. Because you use the a/c to chill the coolant you can get it down to bellow ambient temperatures. All the same charge cooler limitations apply though, you'll put heat into it quicker than it can recover, if the coolant pump isn't fast enough might not improve things towards the top end of a pull, etc. You basically just start from a better base line. If I could plumb it in myself I'd give it a go but I haven't been able to find the fittings. Ultimately, with the WMI proving so effective, what's the point?
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