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Old 08-14-2021, 06:58 PM   #286
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Posts: 27
Hey Escy, those are impressive numbers, great job. Sounds like you sorted out a few gremlins, that’s a win by itself.

What’s up with the misfires and FW version? That seems a little fishy. I bet you’ll be taking that up with manufacturer; hopefully they can help sort out the misfires.

The dyno graph you posted on pistonheads looks great. You are peaking at 30psi and tapering to ??. Looks well controlled. Are you using the 2.7t N75 valve (wastegate control valve)? How has it been tuning the wastegate control with the LPC8?

Your experience with the a2w intercoolers reinforces my concerns about intake temps. Having the a2w intercoolers in the engine bay means the intercooler coolant needs to not only cool the charge, but also overcome the heat soaking and ambient temps of the engine bay. To that end, more coolant flow, better cooling of the coolant, and lower ambient temperature around the intercoolers would be helpful.

I can’t wait to see some street numbers now!
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