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Old 08-08-2021, 11:53 AM   #282
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Escy - I wonder how much hotter the Boxster bay gets than the B5 S4? That Audi bay is jam packed and I bet airflow it pretty minimal too. I知 not really ready to worry about fans too much, I値l save that for later on in the build, just thinking ahead a little.

And yes that passenger side cam chain tensioner gets mega hot being that it痴 inches away from the stock exhaust manifold. I知 hoping I値l get better life out of tensioners, scam seals, and valve cover seals with the turbos located a little lower.

If you ever find a SSP like document for the Boxster please share! Those VAG SSP痴 are so great to understand how things work and why design choices were made.

I知 sticking with the stock ECU and am really trying to make it run at first on a stock tune, then turn it up after after things seem to be working right. My box is a 2003 so I will def need to feed CAN to the car; I致e got a plan there too. I値l share if it works like it should.

I got my passenger MAF and filter mocked up today. I知 pretty pleased with the layout. The filter will be just behind the side vent. I think I値l make a cowl or something to direct air to the filter. I still need to plumb the recirculation valve to in-between the MAF and turbo inlet.
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