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Old 08-08-2021, 12:43 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by itsnotanova View Post
Were you going to crush that as is or did you still have parts to remove before then? ...
What happened is that I ran out of room for stuff. The garage is full of engines and motorcycles, the driveway has no more space for 'mostly operational' cars and the hidden corners of the yard have parts cars and future projects. When I got a rat infested 924 a few weeks back, so that I could use the faux Fuchs wheels on a 914 project, I had to put it on the back patio. ...

The point that I'm getting to is that I need the hulk of it gone and hope to have it done by next Friday in whatever condition it's in. I'm planning to roll it over and strip as much of the undercarriage off as I can before I scrap it. I want *some* of the parts for myself, but in reality I probably have all those parts tucked away somewhere already.
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