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Old 08-08-2021, 01:58 AM   #281
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Location: Cardiff, UK
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Originally Posted by strombomb View Post
I hear you! I have lost a lot of sleep trying to figure out how to get air into the engine bay. I’m currently considering putting a high output 6” fan (maybe two?) in between bay and trunk, pulling from the trunk blowing into the engine bay… then maybe having some sort of vent to allow air to be pulled into the trunk. Idk. I will probably talk myself out of that too haha.

I’ll run 2x MAF’s (2x 1.8t units and read them in with Arduino and feed out a single signal to the ecu) and place cone filters right inside the side vents (symmetric). Like the UK, it rains A LOT here in Oregon, so I don’t like having low filters either.
Interested to see what you end up doing. I did consider having fans on the outside of the air intakes and hiding them behind intake scoops. At the moment I've had no fans for over a year, I think it's been fine but I guess you never really know. Did have a cam chain tensioner fail, could have just been it's time or possibly be related to heat. I wonder why exactly Porsche used the fan in the engine bay compartment, I wonder if they ever released a technical document about it (similar to the Audi self study ones)? On a standard car the one vent is sealed up completely with the air filter, mine isn't so at idle I'm letting out more heat.

If you went standalone you can ditch the maf's, that's what I did. Depending on the year of your car there will be canbus stuff you probably need to take care of.
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