Thread: It's BS! :(
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Old 08-02-2021, 07:15 PM   #32
husker boxster
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While I wait for the engine to return, I decided now would be a great time to spruce up the intake manifold. I've seen pics on several forums where Cayman owners have painted them in various colors. Did some research on how it was done and bought the appropriate heat resistant paint. Here's the blank canvas I started with:

I sanded the area with a Scotchgard pad, then spray painted the letters white. Put some clay over them and taped off the raised block. Put a light coat of black wrinkle paint on, followed by red. Let it dry and poked the clay out of the letters. Wasn't too happy with the result, so I bought a skinny brush and carefully painted the letters by hand. Taped over the red block and sprayed the top part of the runners in silver. Unmasked the red block, tightened up the letters with white and red, and then clear coated the entire schmere.

The aluminum gas lines were dirty so I spent a day cleaning them. There were a multitude of YT vids on how to clean aluminum. I decided to try WD40 and a stiff brush along with a tooth brush. One rail came out pretty good but the other not so much. I bought some alum wheel cleaner and that helped but it still looked cruddy. Pulled a copper wire brush out of my Dremel box and tried that. It made pretty good work of the dirty surface and I followed it up with the Scothgard pad. Looked good enought for govt work. Popped 6 new fuel injectors in from Pelican and put it all back together again.

It's not perfect but not too bad. Should look fine under the clear engine cover. That's not silver overspray on the pic, it's just the reflection of the light off the silver.

I'm happy with the results. Now all I need is an engine to strap it to.
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