You don't really have much information in your post for people to give you their opinion on tires. Also, asking people's opinions on tires is the same thing as asking about oils, you are going to get many different opinions. It would be nice if people knew what you are looking for. All season tires, summer tires, etc, also your budget would help. I can't see your wheels clear but they look like Boxster S II. If they are, then that's a staggered set of wheels, front 7 inch et55 and rear 8.5 inch et48. So 205/50 r17 and 255/40 r17, a lot of people go with 225/45r17 at the front instead of the 205/50r17 to help with understeer.
Last edited by 986 Boxster; 07-16-2021 at 01:35 PM.