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Old 07-06-2021, 05:23 AM   #1
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My home made hub puller

When faced with the unexpected task of changing my rear wheel bearings I ran into the challenge of removing the hubs. The tools most often used seem to be the Grappler, which is too expensive for my budget, or a slide-hammer. The slide-hammer put me off because all that hammering is directly transferred to the suspension.
I found this thread which which inspired me:
Looking at this tool I decided I couldn’t just copy it because my welding abilities would not allow the little feet to be strong enough, so I looked at how to support the legs directly on the hub carrier. Unfortunately there are no support points 180 degrees apart that allow the tool (which I call my puller support) to be centered over the hub. Also I wanted to use my standard 3 arm puller rather than a bolt.
After studying the hub carrier and my available materials (lots of 1 ½ inch square tubing) I came up with this.

The short piece of tube bolts in place of the brake caliper (with the caliper bolts).

... and the puller support has one leg on it and the other on the hub carrier extension for the track rod.

The bungee cords hold the support in place while installing the puller.
It worked fine on the first hub.
Arctic Silver 2000 Boxster S - bought with a broken engine, back on the road with the engine replaced
Green 2000 Boxster 5-speed and 1978 928 auto
1987 924S 5-speed (Sold) - Blue 2000 Boxster 5 spd (Sold)
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