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Old 06-22-2021, 07:46 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by geordiejones View Post
Hi folks,
Can any one help please, iv just got a 2001 3.2 Porsche Boxster s.

It was running a bit rough and the diagnostic computer says it has a faulty 'Idle Air Control Valve'

Now iv looked on the throttle body where its said to be but its not there ?.

Iv looked all over the car but just cant find it, could any one out there tell me where its located please.

Thanks, Chris.

PS- Iv added a photo of the part im trying to replace but can't find.

A 2001 does not have an Idle Air Control Valve.
IACV's were used on throttle bodies pre 2000 model.
Throttle body operation was manually controlled by the gas pedal until MY 2000.
So an IACV was used to control the air for idle.
From 2000 on the throttle body is controlled by the DME/ECU. = electronic throttle control.
So from 2000 on idle is controlled by the DME/ECU so no need for an IACV.

Post your DTC = P- code maybe I can help with your rough running issue.
When you pull the code with a scanner you should be able to get "Freeze frame data"
Post that if you have it.
give me some background on the car.
Things like miles.
Any recent work done on it.
Any mods done to it?
What is the condition of your air filter?
Clean? Dirty?
Is it a stock air filter or after market???
What is the overall condition of the engine bay?
Clean?? dirty?? oil leaks??
Does the car sit for long periods of time? or is it driven often??
The more info I have the easier it is to help you.

Last edited by blue62; 06-22-2021 at 08:50 AM.
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