I painted my 86 325es. Well... actually I had a neighbor kid paint it (had watched many cars go in and out of his garage). I removed
every last bit of trim... and windows, hardware, bumpers... e v e r y t h i n g.
I did all the prep work. He shot the paint... I did all the middle part... he shot the clear. I did everything after that right up until that last minute of polishing with the orbital. Then reinstalled every last bit... well, you know.
Now... the car came out looking showroom (I did interior work, too). Two things stuck with me when I completed the project:
1. I understood why a great paint job was so costly (this was in 2006).
2. Never again would I undertake a paint job. Never ever ever.
Maybe consult with Bauer... see if you can block sand the entire car... get rid of the flakes, etc... and wrap over that. Best wishes.