First the good things. It starts smoothly - hot or cold. Does not smoke on cold or hot under load/coasting/WOT.
Engine was not abused (a few thousand counts of Rev 1 range and just literally 2 ignition cycles on Rev 2 range).
Oil is OK.
110k miles, 2003, 2.7.
However, what I experience is some kind of shaking when coasting (kind of like jerking) and what most intriguing - weird almost like hard mount or metal to metal vibration at around 2100-2300 rpm. It goes away at 2400 rpm (completely). It is not there at 1800 rpm at all. In each gear (well, I tested 3, 4, and 5).
Another reason for mounts is that it is somehow ambient temperature dependent problem.
Sine it revs fine, power is there - I kind of excluded engine related issues.
I have not had a chance to put on a hoist to see the mounts, but that is where I am going to.
So what do you think it could be?
Oh, yeas, it is my freshly acquired Boxster that did not have PPI as... since I could not really find anyone to do that before my arrival, and it was a very cheap deal, so I checked all guts myself with crawling under the car.
But sure, unleash the missed PPI complaints...
And then advise what to look for.
I am planning on having post-PI. Maybe...
IMS - status unknown. Per previous owner - no indication on the filter.