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Old 05-12-2021, 06:44 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by CD986 View Post
It was stored in a garage. Initially, the battery was dead but still fairly new and under warranty. I took it to Interstate Dealer and they recharged. Then tried to start and it cranks, lights come on, stereo and gauges work but it will not start. Also, prior to storage, the car was running quite well. No other problems. This led me to believe that there is some sort of lock out or security measure that needs to be reset.
These cars have an immobilizer security system.
The unit is under the drivers seat.
They are not sealed against moisture so they can be problematic.

There is a transponder in your key that communicates with a coil at the ignition switch.
When you go to start the car the transponder in your key sends a signal to the immobilizer unit telling it that it is the correct key.
I am not positive about this but perhaps a dead battery in the key FOB prevents the car from starting.
Although mine will start with a Valet key.
I would start by making sure you have a good battery in your key FOB.
I think yours is a Lithium CR 2032 3volt.
Or if you have more then one key for the car try a different key.
There is a fuse at the immobilizer and also a relay associated with the fuel injection and ignition coils in relay panel 2 in the rear trunk.
That relay panel is under the carpet left side of the rear trunk.
Top row second relay from the left.
But from the info you have given no reason for them to be a problem.
You could replace the relay just to be sure.
There is also a fuel pump relay in the kick panel at your left foot when seated in the drivers seat.

After you check all this let us know how you go.

Last edited by blue62; 05-12-2021 at 07:02 AM.
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