Thread: It's BS! :(
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Old 05-05-2021, 04:34 AM   #14
husker boxster
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Originally Posted by flmont View Post
I hope You will excuse my Ignorance on this , just curious, is there a way you can take the engine apart and just try and find or ( I know this probably isn't a economical way ) and source a case from Europe or Porsche and reassemble with just a new ring set,.. why would you have to replace everything ?
Not bad questions at all. It would be somewhat possible to do what you ask, but you get into a lot of "while you're in there" situations to address poor Porsche designs.

~The factory cyl are coated with Lokasil. It has proven to be less durable than the Nikasil that was used in air cooled engines and is currently used in turbo and GT3 engines. If you get a factory block with Lokasil, you just reset the clock on when or if it will wash off.

~Bore scoring not only scratches the cyl walls, but also wears the coating off the piston skirts. No way you could reuse the pistons.

~Porsche used cheap rod bolts that stretch when spending extended time near redline. When the bolts stretch, it allows the rod bearings to slip out of place, resulting in what's referred to as a spun bearing. That's why I always shifted at 6K rpm on the track vs going all the way to 7200. I only do 2-3 DEs / yr.

~Porsche took a 911 engine and just turned it around for the 987. This resulted in potential oiling issues in long sweeping left handers, starving the oil to the #6 cyl. There are several ways to address this that get progressively better (and expensive) with each solution. I currently have an EBS oil baffle in my car., which is the least expensive fix. You can progress to deep sump oil pan and go all the way up to a 2nd set of oil pumps to keep the oil circulating. I was a bit disappointed EvoSpec does the deep sump but not a 2nd set of oil pots.

Bottom line is it doesn't make sense to not address the faults of the M97 while you're already doing major work. If you don't, you just have the same issues lurking, waiting to occur again. This is the main reason I don't want to do a used engine - the same problems are lurking. Unfortunately it costs $$$ to fix the problems but just changing the block would already cost a bunch. Might as well make it right.
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Last edited by husker boxster; 05-05-2021 at 04:45 AM.
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