Thread: It's BS! :(
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Old 05-04-2021, 08:02 AM   #6
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sometimes you may want to think outside of the box

Husker, I am really sorry for your engine, about five years ago I was in the same situation with my '07 CS (about 70k) as it was using about a quart of oil every 4-500 miles and have the ticking noise that first I assumed to be a ticking lifter..

When I bought the car I installed a lot of goodies like coilovers, sway bars, OS Giken LSD, IPD intake, SpeedArt exhaust, etc.. I loved the car but didn't have the money to buy a Raby engine.

Therefore, I decided to build my own using the LN (Nickies) cylinders and also attended the Flat6 MS97 engine class build to learn the details for this engine as my previous engine assembly was on Renault, Fiat and Alfa Romeo engines.

If I remember correctly, the estimated cost was going to be about $10-11k (using the forged conrods) but if you only use the cylinders and ARP fasteners you may be able to get away with $7-9k I also bought a lift table from HF to lower the engine.

Sadly I never had the chance to rebuild my engine as a lady ran a stop light in front of my office and my CS was totaled..

You may want to call LN and ask Charles (BTW he is a gentleman) for a list of the components you will require and their estimated cost, if you take your time and do it carefully you will be ok, it's not rocket science, I believe that Flat6 sells their engine rebuilt class on CD's and I have seen the special assembly tools for sale on Rennlist, it may be worth for you to look at this option.

Good luck!
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