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Old 10-30-2006, 02:09 PM   #27
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Join Date: Apr 2006
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Posts: 585
The "let me talk to your manager" avenue was tried with Porsche but since all they can do at the "Customer Commitment" center is email people, it doesn't have the same effect. I eventually went for the "this is complete bulls%#t" avenue and it got me results a little faster.

I'm very disappointed with the owning experience (customer service, warranty repairs, quality of repairs, cost difference of maintenance items between dealers, etc) in the 8 months I've owned my car... I wish they would've sold me the jar of Vaseline when I bought the car... Of course I would've needed to call the 6 other dealers in the area to find out who had the best price; otherwise, I probably would've paid $200 for a $5 jar...

On a more positive note, it sure is a lot of fun to drive when it isn't in the shop!
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