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Old 04-12-2021, 03:26 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Sandy G View Post
I envy your DIY adventures! If you every need a professional garage and don't want to pay the Porsche dealer, Zotz Racing in Orlando has a long and excellent reputation. I grew up near their shop, and they did the PPI on my new-to-me '00 BS. Followup work by my local mechanic didn't spot anything Zotz had missed, either.
Thanks for the head's up. I'm committed to doing as much of the work as I can myself. It isn't a daily driver so if it has to sit a few weeks while I gather parts and the nerve to do something it's no big deal lol!

Originally Posted by Qingdao View Post
Awesome, I'm always on the brink of buying an old lift from a shop. I'd like to put a second garage in my back yard but my grass is so god dang nice. Maybe its time to buy another house just for cars and parts. LOL

Those max jax lifts can be easily moved right? You could do duel parking if you can figure out a place to store the posts right?

So, whats up with the water tank in the back? Looks like a gravity feed system.
Yep, posts are portable. Takes about 15-20 minutes to set them up. We typically have 3 cars in the garage. I love the MaxJax. It's so nice to at least be able to sit under the car vs laying down all the time.

The tank is my "fuge" for my salt water tank. Basically it provides additional volume, a refuge for very small crustaceans to breed and provide natural food for the fish, and a place for me to put equipment that I don't want or have room for under the display tank.
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