Officially dragged it out of its winter hibernation after being robbed by the government for a beer mat size piece of paper. Any it's all legal now for the next 3 months.
It was out two weeks ago for our National Car Test which is like the UK MOT test. It passed and was put back into hiding.
So today I gave it a good bath, cleaned roof, polished glass and have been driving around our 5km limit.
I do love this car and it still turns heads at 18 years old.
It's such a contrast to the other one that went into its hibernation for a few months. I'd love to have both available but it would cost €340 per month on tax to have them both road legal at the same time and that's just ridiculous.
So roll on summer and the end of travel restrictions. I'm in Ireland in case anyone is wondering about the local idiocy laws.