If you've been on YT lately, you've no doubt seen it blowing up with the stories about CNC Motors. Doesn't sound good. Could be a lot of expensive casualties.
9 yrs ago I stopped by their previous location to look at a Nordic Gold PTS 07 CS. I was on my annual golf trip to Temecula, so we just drove up the road to Ontario after that day's round. Unfortunately I was already 3rd in line for the CS. It was still there along with several other exp exotics.
They had prob 60 cars in their showroom. I spoke to one of the owners, Fraser Thom, and asked him how they got so many exotic cars. He said they had feelers out to all the dealerships and when one got a car in they didn't know what to do with they contacted him and he bought it. Seemed like a good business model and would be viable with all the exotics in SoCal. They had my email addr from my correspondence on the CS, so they'd send their monthly email with a list of cars they had on sale. Was fun to look over all the candy.
Fast fwd to 2018 and they moved to a bigger location. Not long after that they advertised that they'd sell your car on consignment. You just had to bring it to their dealership.
Now the internet is blowing up with stories about the remaining owner Clay Thom selling consignment cars but not paying the owner and not giving the new owner a title. Oh oh. There are quite a few upset people involved who have quite a bit of money on the line. Clay is in the middle and has plenty of "reasons" why things went south and he's almost able to make everyone whole. He just needs everyone to back off with the negative pub so he can get some investors in and sell some cars. Sounds like a Ponzi scheme to me and there are going to be a lot of ppl holding an empty bag. From what I can gather, Fraser got out last Mar, maybe a casualty of their COVID layoffs or maybe he didn't like how Clay was operating.
Here's a video with one of the victims. There's also a video of Clay trying to explain how everything happened but he never realizes it would all go away if he paid his debts. Anyway, if you have some time to kill and want to go down an interesting rabbit hole, enjoy.