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Old 03-27-2021, 03:22 AM   #4
"50 Years of 550 Spyder"
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....I said,”The Oil Itself Does NOT go bad..”

I know oil is not hydroscopic.

The water that condenses in the sump does not get absorbed by the oil. It just mixes with the oil on startup. And it dilutes the oil as it is pumped throughout your engine. This lowers the oil’s ability to lubricate and float your rods and such on a film of nice, strong, oil.

Also, water is a corrosive force as it is pumped through your engine.

Remember that these cars have variable valve timing. Your engine oil isn’t just a lubricant, but it acts as a hydraulic fluid as well, activating the variable valve timing and pumping up your cam chain tensioners. Having water pumped through those TINY orifices acts like a cutting agent to the parts.

Look at a photo of the cam phaser. Look at how tiny that hole is that the oil gets pumped through to change the valve timing. Now imagine a bit of water, not much, getting pumped in there instead of oil.

The right oil, in the right place, at the right time. That is lubrication.

Displace a bit of oil with water and you lose that lubrication.

So, drive the car.

And change your oil every six months.

Ok. NOW I’m done.

Good luck.

But seriously, drive more. 😁
550 SE #310---"It's more fun to drive a slow car fast, than a fast car slow."
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