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Old 03-26-2021, 05:50 PM   #4
Join Date: May 2015
Location: Rochester NY
Posts: 241
I like the way you're thinking!!!

Have a joke for you not completely PC.

Little Johnny gets a question from teacher. Johnny there are 5 birds sitting on a telephone wire and a man shoots one off. How many are left.

Johnny thinking out loud says - man shoots a gun, gun is loud. I'd say it scares all the birds and none are left.

Teacher - wow Johnny I like the way your are thinking but the correct answer is 4.

Johnny - well I have a question for you. There are 3 ladies sitting on a park bench eating ice cream cones. One is nibbling at the tip. One is licking around the edge, and one has the cone all the way in her mouth. Which one is married.

Teacher blushes and says I guess it's the one with the cone in her mouth.

Johnny - no it's the one with a wedding ring but I like the way you're thinking!!!
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