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Old 02-20-2021, 07:14 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by porschefan76 View Post
Hey again! I'm not concerned about failure mode 1 as this hasn't occurred. I have a troubleshooting methodology for 2 (back-pressure test) and the fact that for about 75% of the time at constant RPM the downstream O2 do exhibit a flat response, I'm fairly confident that the cats are not burnt-out. Combine that with the temperature testing I have done which showed marked increase in flange temperature downstream of the cat compared to the cat inlet, I'm "fairly" confident they're not fully gone, but cannot say with confidence they're not currently compromised. I will research the tests for troubleshooting and verifying a "burned out" cat, but so far, haven't found anything. Are you aware of a way to verify "burned out" that doesn't rely on the output of an O2 sensor of unknown functionality (i.e. downstream O2 sensor may have it's own problems being 20 years old)?

Thank you for the continued help and ideas!
The only way I know of to reliably test a Cat to see if it is burned out. (other then what the O2 sensor is showing). Is with something like a five gas analyzer. Some shops still have them. Or your local smog test station. That is one of the things smog test stations are testing when they put the probe up the exhaust pipe. They are looking at the gases from the exhaust to see if the Cat is working properly.
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