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Old 02-19-2021, 07:08 PM   #40
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Woodland Wa
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Cats fail in a number of ways.
1. Physical damage such as hitting speed bumps. Can lead to a rupture,hole, leak in the case.
2. "Plugging up" usually caused from things like too rich of mixture over time. rings not seating causing oil blow by, leaking head gasket. Antifreeze gets into the exhaust.
3."Burning out" caused by to lean of mixture, excessive idle time, things that create to much heat.
A burned up cat has no back pressure issues or the like, it acts just like a good cat except it doesn't do it's thing.
Those are the things I am aware of.

They are designed to last the life time of the car. But they function in a very narrow range. So fuel air ratio needs to be very close to 14.7 to 1. I think somewhere around one half of one percent + or - of 14.7 to 1. Outside that range for extended periods then they burn up or plug up.

So something to try and keep in mind when dealing with OBDII and the P-Codes.
Its not about engine performance or power or gas mileage. The primary function of the OBDII system including the sensors is Catalytic Converter Performance and longjevity. Everything else is secondary.

Last edited by blue62; 02-19-2021 at 07:54 PM.
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