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Old 02-17-2021, 09:14 AM   #16
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Posts: 54
Originally Posted by Sikest View Post
I know you don't want to hear this and it really does not address your question fully but after having 4 kiddos I suggest you just get a family hauler. Yes you can get a car seat in the back of a 996 or most any GT cars but it will be no time before their feet are pretzeled up. Putting them in with the car seat backwards as they do now is a disaster as well.

I have done this dance over and over and for me at least, all it did was build disappointment. I would buy some cool GT car then in less than a year it would become apparent that hauling the kids was an epic pain. I would sell the car but buy something appropriate for the task and subsequently just get board. Buy another GT car, rinse and repeat.

Finally I just set my sights on cool 4 door sedans. All the Germans make a cool sports sedans these days and its a good mix of easily getting the kids in the back and still having fun driving. An Audi S4 with a good set of tires and a tune is a lot of fun.

Just my 2 cents worth.
As I said, I have a stage 1 S6, no need for another car, SUV or anything else for hauling the kid. I simply want to take my family in my fun car with me to enjoy nice sunny weather and nice New England fall weather.
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