Hey everyone quick update, got a Durametric now plugged it in for the first time today. Haven't done any physical work on the car yet but am getting my stock throttle body and plenum shipped down to me, gonna try that before replacing any parts I don't already own. The image below is the codes that came up from the Durametric.

Here is a list of the codes as well.
P0830, Porsche Fault Code 446-Clutch Pedal Encoder (Think this is why my cruise control doesn't work)
p0638, Porsche Fault Code 402-DVE Fault Position Deviation (could this be the reason for my issues? Know BMW calls the ECU something similar to DVE. Would this narrow the issue down to throttle body or fuel pump? Can this be an issue with the tune?)
P0300, Porsche Fault Code 507- Misfire Detection (total)
P0306, Porsche Fault Code 509-Misfire Cylinder 6
P0304, Porsche Fault Code 511-Misfire Cylinder 4
P0305, Porsche Fault Code 513-Misfire Cylinder 5 (think these are all on the passenger side bank (Bank 2))
Also forgot to mention I have a vacuum leak on the drivers side of my plenum(74mm) currently being contained by Gorilla Tape. Car was misfiring like crazy and almost undriveable before the tape job now runs pretty smooth with out noticeable misfires.