Originally Posted by edc
What about a tyre with a higher sidewall profile? Could you not also use the thin bits of the sidewall from the tyre you have ad flip one piece over so you end up with a flat section over 2 pieces.
I'm working with the tire I had laying around... if you have a choice of tires your idea might work. Doubling the layers would make it flat, but too thick.
Originally Posted by Quadcammer
I used some dress shoe heel pads I had lying around. worked fine.
Good idea, but I don't have dress shoes let alone extra pads
Here is prototype #2 (which is actually finished product #1) cut from the tread. I cut the block out with my sawzall clone and the hole in the middle with my dremel clone.
Cutting through the steel plies with the dremel was a challenge, but it turned out OK.
I cut grooves in the tread blocks on the underside to seat the circumference of the mount so that the stop is close to flush with the outer ends of the aluminum insert. Also wrapped some electrical tape around it to cover the ends of the steel plies that are sticking out waiting to puncture any skin that gets too close.