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Old 01-23-2021, 08:49 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Steve 986 View Post
BLUE 62 Thank you for the response. I will check for leaks in the exhaust ahead of the front O2 sensors, we have not done that as far as I know.

I agree, Long terms seem low but as I said as soon as it comes of idle the Short terms go to nearly nothing. Had one Porsche friend/Inde suggest the spark plug tubes.We did replace the seals on the tubes when we had the engine out for the Cam chain rails but did not replace the tubes themselves. A cracked one could be the culprit? Smoke didn't show anything there. They are easy enough to change and inexpensive but that seems like a long shot. Ever seen that?

Thanks again for the exhaust suggestion I will check it out and report back.
So now that I have the info that you removed and replaced the engine.
Together with your P0150 and P0130 codes which the Bentley says are sensor malfunction codes. Look carefully at your wiring to the O2 Sensors make sure all is correct. Make sure you don't have the pre Cat sensor plugged into the Post Cat wiring harness. I know it sounds crazy but things happen. Your problem could be related to the engine work and something is not quite correct in the replacement process.
So double and triple check your work.

As to the spark plug tubes they are just oil seals. They have nothing to do with vacuum. If they have problems and leak you get oil leaks and then the oil can short the plugs or rather the coils and you get possible misfires.
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