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Old 01-17-2021, 04:20 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by elgyqc View Post
My 2000 Boxster is running fine but the cam deviations are limit so I was thinking about dropping the engine to change the cam chain pads and check the IMSB and replace necessary clutch parts at the same time. Unfortunately this would mean the car would be off the road for a good part of the driving season (which for me is April to November, if I'm lucky, here in Quebec). I know how slow I am at getting projects done so started thinking about buying an engine that I could check over then install in the car and take my time to do the necessary stuff to the original engine.
So in Juin 2020 I found what looked like a good deal on an engine out of a wrecked 2000 and I bought it... thinking that the border would be open again relatively quickly. Well, I was finally able to get it delivered to my garage in mid December... long story, with a happy ending.
Now with the engine on my engine stand I have started checking it out. First impression is positive i.e. it doesn't look like a piece of scrap. It is supposed to have just under 100K miles on it (my original engine has about 87K miles).
So far I have...
- removed the clutch and flywheel - minimum wear and so it will likely stay on the engine.
- removed and verified the water pump - looks good, no looseness in the bearing and the impeller is pristine.
- removed the IMSB flange and checked the bearing after removing the bearing's seal ... it looks fine, no play and it is a double row. I plan to have a closer look but at this point I am planning to put a new o-ring on the flange and button it up.
- removed and cut open the oil filter - super clean, no metal or plastic worth mentioning.
I have not as yet inspected the cylinders with my borescope, that's next on the list.
I have been going back and forth on whether to dive deeper, like changing the cam chain pads before installing it in the car, but the general condition of the engine and especially the lack of plastic in the filter has my leaning toward installing it as is as long as the cylinders look OK.

Personally, after inspecting with the scope, I would install it and drive it like you have a spare. Put the funds into the original and take your time. Build it the way you want. Good luck.
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