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Old 01-09-2021, 05:57 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by husker boxster View Post
+1 on the Dr Colorchip.

However, I never have any luck with their procedure of paint & dab it smooth. But this works for me:

1. If you have wax on the area, use some bug & tar remover to cut the wax, then wash it off for a pristine surface. Let it dry before step 2.
2. Fully fill the chip with paint. Don't worry if you have a blob. Let it fully dry hard.
3. Take some 1500 wet sand paper and carefully smooth out the area. No need to make it a large area where you sand, just focus on the chip / blob.
4. Once the chip is blended in, hand apply rubbing compound on the area to begin to eliminate the sanding marks.
5. With a polisher, continue the restoration with swirl remover (it's a mild rubbing compound), then polisher, then wax.

Try it in a low visibility area first to perfect your skilz. It takes the nerves of a cat burglar when doing the sanding. Remember, if you don't go far enough you can always do more sanding. The reverse is not true.
Thank you both. That’s exactly what I needed.
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