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Old 01-09-2021, 07:32 AM   #9
1998 Boxster Silver/Red
Join Date: Sep 2017
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Originally Posted by mreigie1 View Post
If you are considering a black on black 2002 Boxter S with a ground effects kit and an aftermarket muffler and the dealer that is a private (Non Dealership)sales lot who claim to sell "Sharp" vehicles. DO NOT DO IT.
I looked at that car the week after Christmas and was asked if I wanted to drive and I said let's begin with a simple start up. Always act indifferent about any particular car with the salesperson. Turned the key and nothing, ok dead battery, not a deal killer and was told it's been a while since it's been started (clue). They got a jump box and I turned the key and the engine lit but the first 3-4 seconds they was a nasty loud rattle-grind sound from the engine. I let it idle for a minute and tried to advance the throttle and the tach dove toward "0". Anyway I cant be sure but would not be a bit surprised to hear that's what an IMS bearing sounds in the early stages of failure. And as most of the lubrication had drained away from the bearing.
We live in the same area and you may have seen a base model in Vail for 14.9K and so he got 11K. Amazing shape 69K on the clock, still overpriced for the year/model but amazingly clean.
Good Luck and do your homework, it pays off...
Can you point me to actual articles, posts, or facts that suggest that noise reveals the IMS is going north? Everything I've read suggest that that part just facking explodes... fails... kaput and without warning.

I would suggest the buyer interested in the car look at the starter motor... as that could be the sound of XXXX grinding.

1998 Porsche Boxster
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