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Old 12-31-2020, 11:42 AM   #12
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Sqelching inquiry is never a good path to enlightenment, particularly when advancing the knowledge base requires experiential data in addressing a new approach to a problem. It took years of accumulated individual experiences for the original ims problem to become clear. Innovative individuals came up with answers to this problem that at first seemed unsolvable. We are now reaching the point where enough different answers are in play that we can expect to start getting sufficient data as to make preliminaey judgements on their relative merits. As more data points accumulate, these judgements will become more informed.
The OP made a fair inquiry about one of the less common answers to the problem. I too would be curious to hear more about the viability of this particular answer from those that have tried it, but not had occasion to report publicly their experience.

There are those who are butt-hurt and ear-full from copious and contentious prior discussions on the topic, and I get that. But they don't have to read it, nor take offense at those who want more info on this still-evolving topic.

Now, has anyone been face to face with an MB motorsports or other roller ims bearing, and have something to say about it?
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